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Smart Radio Tech: ELT Test Equipment
We offer a wide range of testing tools for Emergency Locator Transmitters (ELTs)Our postal address in Serbia: Smart Radio Tech d.o.o, Sarajevska 40, Savski Venac, Belgrade, 11070, Serbia
Our postal address in Romaina: Smart Radio Tech SRL, Vanatori street, no 5-11, ap. 2, Bucharest, 050136, Romania
Tel: +381 63 1252129, Call us 7:00 am - 2:00 pm (Eastern Time, UTC−5) only.
406MHz ELT Tester

406 MHz / 243 MHz / 121.5 MHz ELT TESTER (ELTT-124 Test set) is designed to check the avionics emergency locator transmitters (ELT) operating via COSPAS-SARSAT system. Complies with USA (FAA Part 91.207), Canada (CAR 571 Appendix G), Europe (CAA/EuroCAE) requirements.
ELT Tester Mini Wi-Fi

ELT Tester Mini Wi-Fi is third generation device designed to check the avionics emergency locator transmitters (ELT) operating via COSPAS-SARSAT system. Tester is operating with any mobile phone or desktop PC by means of Wi-Fi connection.